Thursday, March 17, 2011

Skywatch Friday

Our skies have been full of low hanging dramatic clouds full of rain, rain, rain and more rain.
To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit


  1. What a stunning photograph!!
    Beautifully done.

  2. Love that sight, looks cold but the scene is fantastic!
    Sky Watch Friday

  3. I've only just found your blog, which I love! I was reading about Wes missing and wondered whether he was ever found?

  4. Brittany,thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you keep coming back!!
    As for my friend Wes- he has never been found. It has been two years since his dissapearance now and no trace has ever been found. We all miss him at work and his family miss him terribly. Thank you for asking.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!