Saturday, March 26, 2011

Camera Critters

It has been a long long time since sharing pictures of my two cats with you. Our kitten Scarf, the calico, is now 16 months old and Speed, our white cat is 12 years old.
This is Scarf, so named because of how she scarfs her food and that for the first couple weeks here with us she was like a scarf around the neck, living mostly on my hubby's shoulder. Scarf came to us at four weeks old, she had been thrown out of the car in front of us while driving in the town of Mission. She was covered in sticky candy residue and starving. From her rocky start, she has settled down amazingly well but still retains a lot of skittishness and apprehension. She will cuddle up with us on the bed, but in the daytime mostly stays a distance away. Speed is the only one she will snuggle up to in the daytime.

Speed is getting older and likes to sleep more than he ever did before. He will snuggle right up to you and likes to curl up into a ball with his head resting in the palm of your hand. He took over the parent duties for Scarf when she arrived and still keeps an eye on her. I think because she was so incredibly small when she arrived he was not threatened by bringing another cat into the fold.

The armchair in the living room is there chair, complete with the couch cushion for them to make it soft. Sometimes they like the blanket on the back of the couch over them, creating a cave for them to sleep.

To see more of Camera Critter's photos, please go and visit


  1. They look very comfortable on their chair. Thanks for visiting me :)

  2. Ah- what adorable faces!

  3. visiting from Camera Critters...
    and following you...
    hope you'll follow me back

    my entry's here

  4. Speed and Scarf look like great cats. Wonderful photos.

  5. So very 'purr'ecious!!! I do love cats. Yours are beautiful.

    It was super having you visit with me yesterday. Your comments are always welcomed as is your company!!

    My Sunday Blog Post Link

  6. Wonderful photos! Something about cats.... ♥

    Thanks for visiting


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