Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Watery Wednesday

Chilliwack River Rapids with a fast shutter speed:
And with a slow shutter speed.

I like to play around with the shutter speeds on my camera and see what I can produce.
To see other photos of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. amazing! the bottom one looks like a painting. I just have a simple point & shoot and humbly share my primitives and so enjoy viewing the beauty of others across the cyberspace.
    Faythe @ GMT

  2. wow! i love the slow shutter shot. the color of water is so beautiful.

  3. Both photos are stunning! The water in the first photo seems so vibrant and alive, while in the second, the water seems to be singing a soft and silky song!

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, so very gorgeous!!! We both worked our photos in this week with nearly an identical 'theme'.

    INCOMING!! -ocean wave action Plus a dolphin

    Do stop by, if you have time, to visit - hope your day is terrific.

  5. Both of these are wonderful, but the slower shutter is pure HEAVEN!
    Beautifully captured!

  6. Oh, wow! And I love your header shot too. When I play with my shutter speeds the slower ones just come out blurred. I think I have to start using my tripod. I just hate carrying it. :-(


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