Saturday, February 26, 2011

Macro Flowers-Saturday

Signs of spring are popping up all over even if Spring is having a hard time coming about. These little blossoms were starting too bloom on a bush in a local park, and now the weather has turned cold and ugly. I hope they can weather the cold and continue to bloom.

To see more of Macro Flowers-Saturday, please go and visit


  1. What a beautiful spring composition. Lovely shot!

  2. Stunning! I too use a lot of Macro while clicking flowers!

  3. Greetings from Southern California

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    God bless you :-)


  4. Mine are coming out this week too and I'm afraid it is way too early.
    Yours are a little further along - gorgeous shot!

  5. Que bom que vocês esperam a primavera! Nós esperamos o outono, e a temperatura já caiu de 38°C para 23°C hoje. Ainda que a primavera sempre vai chegar!Achei linda sua foto!

  6. This is absolutely gorgeous. Truly such a wonderful "springy" feel!!
    Beautifully captured.


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