Saturday, January 8, 2011

Today's Flowers

Today's Flowers

A couple of photos I took last summer at Minter Gardens, and as I sit and watch the snow fall outside I am really wishing that it was only last week that I took these pictures. Snow is pretty to see but I really don't like it.
So here is to memories of warmer dryer greener times!
My camera is the only thing that gets me this close to bees, I am allergic to their stings so getting close is taking a chance!

These tiny pink flowers grew in clusters, not at all sure the name of these flowers though.
To see other photos of Today's Flowers, please go over and visit


  1. So, so beautiful! Your photos are just stunning. Love those gorgeous little flowers ... and the winged creature is alright too!

  2. Very nice close ups. I am guessing the flower is a Sedum.

  3. Aint those pretty! love the crisp details both on the bee and the flower!

  4. These are very impressive. It's nice to enter the world of the bee!

  5. Those flowers are pretty but you got amazing shots of the bee! Loved them! I also like your header photo...thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Have a great day!!

  6. How pretty, you totally capture a close shot of the bumble bee

  7. Perfect bees and blossoms. Super macros.

    Happy New Year to you!

  8. Beautiful macros, I really like them.

  9. Wow, these are terrific, Lorna! Fantastic detail and color.

    Thank you so much for your visit and sweet birthday wishes. That's really thoughtful of you and appreciated.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend! xo - g


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!