Monday, December 20, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Merry Christmas to everyone and welcome to Ruby Tuesday.
I heard the strangest thing today which left me just shaking my head in wonder at what levels some go to during the season. I heard a news story today on the radio about the practise of wishing Merry Christmas  to others during the holiday season.
The news story talked of how it is now forbidden for teachers etc. to use the term "Merry Christmas" in school. If it is heard they could be sent home for it. The children were still allowed to use the term Merry Christmas but all staff were not.
In these trying times where people struggle to just put food on the table or pay thier bills, where people cannot find honest work to support their family, where crime is rampant and people feel hopeless, where people live on the streets and where children are abused, I wonder why this energy of preventing people from spreading a bit of goodwill amongst men is not used instead to really do something that could change the circumstances of someone in a hopeless situation.
I don't want to be told by someone who hasn't the right to tell me not to greet people with a simple Merry Christmas if I choose, I want to put food in food bank hampers and buy toys for children who otherwise would not have gifts for Christmas. I want to say what I feel without someone trying to influence thier version of Political Correctness on me.
I think if we all put as much energy into constuctive endevours we could rock the world.
Merry Christmas to all and all the best for the New Year.

To see other photos of Ruby Tuesday, please go and visit


  1. I am totally shocked at the news about teachers saying "Merry Christmas"! I guess it impacts more on me because I am a teacher in Australia. Is it because it may offend those of varied faiths? Yet I say "Happy Chinese New Year" and I'm not Chinese! Hmmmm... Where will this end?

    On a brighter note, your photo is exquisite! A vibrant red!

  2. I agree with you and Gemma. No one has the right to forbid anyone to spread happiness, right?

    Happy Ruby! .... and Merry Christmas.

    Maria @ LSS

  3. Lovely Christmas image!

  4. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I love your photo, perfect for Ruby Tuesday.

  5. I hear ya!! You're so 'right on' with what you posted in words.

    Your photo is beautiful.

    Link to my Ruby Tuesday

  6. Amen sister, I am with you all the way on Christmas greetings! Great shot.

  7. Beautiful image, Lorna, and I share your dismay at that report.

    But in spite of that, I came here to wish you and yours a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

    Hope it's lovely. Thank you for all your visits and comments this year. – g

  8. Lovely photo and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!