Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I have never participated in Midweek Blues before, I keep missing the starting day but I am on time today so here is my very first entry to Midweek Blues!!
My neighbour decorated her small Maple Tree in the back yard with blue balls.

I think they look kind of stark and cold against the bare branches and the cloudy sky, and that is what I like about the pictures!  Makes them a bit more dramatic!
To see other entries of Midweek Blues, please go and visit http://thedustycellar.blogspot.com/


  1. So pretty and creative! A beautiful depth of blue!

  2. Yes, that blue really pops out! Very pretty :)

  3. It's very pretty the way you showed the contrast between the drab leafless branches and twigs versus the bright blue ornaments.
    You did good.

    I am glad you are doing the MidWeek Blues. Welcome. :)
    You can be later but some of the earlier ones don't always come back to find you.

  4. i also posted my first Midweek Blues. i love your photos, especially the first one.

  5. I like these blue balls! I'm always late for Mid-week Blues but I play anyway. :)) This is a small but very friendly group. If you take the time to visit the players most of them visit in return.

  6. The dew drops are amazing, great idea. We hung a couple of oversized balls from our porch ceiling, but I should expand next year to the trees.

  7. I love the vibrant blue, and the dewdrops!

  8. So glad you posted this week! I know how hard it is to keep up with all the meme schedules.

    I like the way the blue stands out against the reddish branches of the tree.


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