Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Weekend in Black and White

About five weeks ago, my daughter made the decision to move from here out to Eastern Alberta. It seems like only a few days ago she told me of her move, and now the move day is here.
Just like the mirror, things are really closer than they appear. This date just arrived so soon.

It's like a bridge she is crossing over to a new chapter in her life, the path leads to a new life and its hard to see on the other side where that is going to take her.
I am driving with her in her car out to Alberta and will help her move in to her new place, see where she is going to live and get a feel for the area. We have never done a road trip before, just the two of us so this should be fun. Bittersweet, because when I catch the plane back home in a week and a half and leave her at her new home, I know I am going to be sad to leave her and am going to miss her a lot. That will be the bittersweet of it all. It is a great opportunity for her out there, I could never stand in her way of that.
So the next few entries to my blog will be of our trip. Stay tuned.....
For more photos of The Weekend in Black and White, please go and visit


  1. A momentous occasion, and bittersweet indeed. It will be hard for you, and for her, but all will go well. Best wishes to you all.

  2. I love the way you shot the bridge. I hope your trip goes well and she likes her new place.


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