Friday, October 29, 2010

Skywatch Friday

 The Clouds Were Rolling! The Sky was Stormy!

Driving home from work today, the drama in the sky was slowly unfolding before my eyes, but there wasn't  any place to pull over for about ten minutes to take pictures. It's rare too, that I have a camera with me in the car so all I lacked was the parking spot.
The reddened fields below the sky are Blueberry plants. I love the red of the leaves.
The irrigation system of the fields is noticeable here.

If I could of found a spot to pull over ten minutes before these photos were taken, you would of seen an even more incredible set of cloudy sky photos.
The light was sweeter, the rays of sun were shining down. It was amazing.
To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit
(All photos SOOC)


  1. Those berries are gorgeous. I love the drama in these skies.

  2. What a paintbrush! Enjoyed the pictures Lorna, even seeing the blueberry bushes again. Thankyou xo

  3. Your pictures look lile paintings.
    Just lovely,

  4. You got some lovely shots of the moody the first dark ones! I'm finally learning to take my camera with me everywhere, so I don't miss opportunites like these...:)


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!