Sunday, September 5, 2010

Today's Flowers

It seems that when September arrives the flowers of spring and summer start to fade really fast and the gardens turn more to the colours of fall. The plant nurseries are selling more of the green plants, such as the decorative grasses, vines and herbs and people turn to cleaning up thier gardens and finishing the harvests of their labours. Here are a few beautiful flower beds from Minter Gardens for you to see. These will change in the coming weeks to fall.
Here they are using Hens and Chicks plants to define the borders of the designs.

The Canadian Flag in flowers!!

The Peacock's beautiful tail fanned out in colourful plants.

The newest addition to the garden is this Gecko, done entirely out of succulent plants. Isn't he cute!!
To see more of Today's Flowers, please go and visit


  1. You've captured the splendor of these gardens beautifully!
    I'm loving that Gecko!

    (Your link isn't coming here. I had to go back a couple of weeks to find you.)

  2. Wonderful photos of Minter Gardens, I especially like the flag of Canada.
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment.
    Have a nice day!

  3. Very beautiful garden. Amazing designs with different color flower plants in the garden.

  4. The gardens are amazing. The time that must go into creating the flower sculptures with the design of the planting is incredible. Gorgeous shots and I love the gecko.

  5. Oh to sit there and watch the world go by! With my hounds specifically ;-) But that would mean they would mark their scents everywhere and we would be ban from entering again ;-(

  6. This is a wonderful place and your photos are super. I love that peacock and the lizard. You've taken us on a wonderful tour of this beautiful garden, thanks so much.
    An English Girl Rambles

  7. It's been a long time since I went to Minter Gardens - I hate to say it, but it could be decades! How time flies! Maybe it's time to visit again...

  8. Beautiful flower carpets! The colour schemes are very cool. Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to comment.

  9. Wow! What beautiful and unusual gardens! I enjoyed seeing these!


  10. Hello Ms.'s very nice to meet you! So glad you stopped by to view my shadows! We did have a hot, dry summer, didn't we? Might make for spectacular autumn photo ops! Your flower pictures are lovely...for some reason, we've never actually made it to Minter Gardens.

    We go up to Abbotsford periodically to visit all those great thrift stores, and we drove by the Air Show briefly on our way to see The Jade Buddha. I posted some photos of the Buddha on my travel blog, if you'd like to check them out.

    Have fun with fall photos...:)


  11. I missed getting to Minter Gardens this summer – next year for sure. Your photos are gorgeous! It looks like a paradise for photography. :)


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