Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday's Favorite Five

I have to work all this weekend, albiet from home. It is not work that I enjoy doing at all. I am not one who likes to take any work home ever, and this work means working at home. I just find it invasive. 
So, it would be a good thing for me to find five favorite things to be grateful for as I go into this weekend!!

1) Photoshop - I started a new University course on Wednesday with our local University. It is a credit course toward a Media certificate. It is a challenge and I know that it will also help me to create much better photos than I put out now. I am excited to learn!
2) Photo Club - my girlfriend Cindy and I joined the local Photo Club and went to the first meeting this past Monday. They promise that membership will enhance our Photography skills!
3) The local Library - where I stocked up on Photolife Magazines and a new book for the weekend.
4) Chapleo Coffee Shop - where Hubby and I love to go and spend time on rainy afternoons. We take our laptops and enjoy specialty drinks and read the newspaper. My favorite drink right now at the coffee shop is Mocha Chai Lattes!!
5) Berry Park, behind our house is a newly built Sports Park that was officially opened on Thursday. The sports field is always full of children playing soccer and lots of people cheering!! The park has a quarter mile track around it which I am really enjoying walking around, especially with lots to watch on the field. I love to see the park now used by children and their families doing just what kids should be doing - playing!!

To see more of Friday's Favorite Five, please go and visit


  1. Well, I'm sorry you have to work this weekend but your list is absolutely wonderful! Congratulations on taking the Photoshop course. I know you will love it. The coffee shop and park sound delightful, too. Definitely lovely things to concentrate on while getting the work out of the way! – g

  2. Mmmm, laptops and lattes at the coffee shop sounds like a wonderful way to spend a little time. As does the library.

    Sorry you have to work at home on the weekend. That's a bummer. Hopefully it will all get done quickly.

  3. I never thought of looking into attending a photography class or joining a photo club. I'd sure like to enhance my photos. I hope that both endeavors meet your expectations.

    I need to find a park to walk at too.

    Hopefully your weekend went okay even though you had to do some work from home.

  4. Sorry. I meant to link my previous comment to my blog.


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