Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Watery Wednesday

Can I have a moment of your time!
Have you got a moment?
Give me a moment!!
Just a moment!
One of the wonderful things about Photography is that it takes a moment of time and freezes it. It's about the moment! And a moment is something that comes and goes, is fleeting and I think is what makes us all the people, the person we are.We are made up of all the moments in our lives.
Moments are like these drops of water. Each drop a moment, and each moment gone in a flash into the collective.

Its hard to see what each moment taken one at a time can form when looked at separately. Like waterdrops each drop can be separate and join together with other drops to form a fountain.

We can take each moment and see it, experience it, follow it and watch it become that which it is supposed to become, learn from it and see it added to the collective. Become the fountain, full of waterdrop moments that fill our lives.

We can ignore the moments, and like the waterdrops, they rise one at a time, fall and join the fountain and fall towards the pool, where they disappear forever into the pool. I guess each moment is up to us, will we be present or will our moments fall to the pool, not gone forever, but forever changed.

For more photos of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. Oh wow fantastic capture of the water, what a perfect moment to have a great moment to catch the water drops. Love the repeating words of moment, that's why this is the moment of truth that your photo are beautiful.

  2. Love how the words and the photos weave around each other!

  3. love the repetition, droplet after droplet, moment after moment....

  4. Your words are like poetry today and your photos ARE poetic!!

    My Wednesday post if about a song in my heart...do drop by if you can. Here's the link

  5. Very pretty & nice center!

  6. OMGosh...your water shots are sooo much more than my little humble water sprinkler photos.

    Wonderful photos...
    xo bj

  7. What a lovely photos!! Love it so much!! Happy Wednesday!

    Watery Wednesday

  8. Beautiful photos and lovely words, I love the fountain.

  9. Thank you everyone, for your kind comments!! Please come back and visit again!

  10. Marvelous photos and beautifully captured drops! (Very happy that you stopped by again – I had somehow lost the link to your blog.) Have a great weekend!

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I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!