Thursday, August 19, 2010

Skywatch Friday

The sky looks extra cool when you put Midway rides from the Fair in the picture as well!!
This was taken from the Bleachers where we sat and watched the Rodeo. The midway was to the right of us. The sky was kind of hazy and it was a warm day.

A little later in the early evening when we were leaving, we took these closer up pictures, the sky behind is still a bit hazy but blue sky.

And a full view for you!!
For more photos of Skywatch Friday, please visit


  1. These are fantastic shots! Thank you for sharing them. I'm glad I'm not up on that wheel, though.

  2. Gorgeous captures, Dew! So evocative of summer and happiness. Good job ... and Happy Friday!

  3. Great photo set, but I'm still NOT riding this ride. Excellent compositions.

  4. What a great way to frame the sky, very well done! I'm not sure I would get on that ride though...

  5. Thrilling ride! What a shot! You must have really quick fingers. :D

    Have a fun weekend.

    Alex's World! -

  6. Nice work getting the flags extended in the second picture.... The full view is also a nice shot...


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