Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

Its been some time since being able to post here. I have been quite busy this summer and today have a bit of respite being at home catching up on all those mundane chores that have to be done. So here are this week's Fave Five for you!!
1) My long time friend Jane was here this week visiting from her home in Las Vegas. We have been friends for over 30 years and it does not matter how much time passes between our visits, we are able to pick up where we left off and it seems like no time ever passes for us. I really enjoyed her visit this week, and I miss her already!!
2) My hubby who made sure we could get to all the things we wanted to see and to visit while Jane was here. He was our driver the whole visit.
3) A week off work so that I would have all the time needed to enjoy Jane's visit. It has been hard to get even a day off work this summer with lack of staff, and everyone working.
4) Cooler weather! We have had a very dry hot summer and as a result our province has a lot of forest fires burning. The bit of respite of cool weather has really helped all the fire fighters do the work they are doing. The bit of rain has not helped much, we do need some more.
5) Outdoor concerts: We are going tonight to the last of the free outdoor concerts held throughout the summer. There has been excellent musicians playing, and wonderful concerts to be enjoyed!!

To read more entries to Friday's Fave Five, please go and visit


  1. Old friends that are still friends are so wonderful. I'm glad you had a good time!

  2. Good times with a good friend. what a great week!

  3. I have a friend like that -- no matter how much time passes, it's always like we saw each other yesterday. What a blessing.

    Outdoor concerts and cooler weather sound wonderful...!

  4. Nice to see you back!

    Now that is a great friendship! Your time together sounds like it was wonderful.


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