Thursday, July 1, 2010

Color Carnival

We have a park called Rocky Point Park that has a children's Water Park that is very cool and colourful. It makes a great entry for this month's Colour Carnival!!
It was a little cold on the day we visited so the water is not turned on

The building in the back has a gift store/cafeteria and change rooms as well. It is colourful as well and a good backdrop to the waterpark.

These balls have numerous holes for water to shoot out of.

I think water shoots out of his nose!

And finally......

Today is also Canada's 143rd. Birthday so Happy Canada Day to all Canadians!

To see other entries for July Colour Carnival please go and visit


  1. What a fun place for the kids to be in!

  2. What a colorful place to be. This is different from other parks I've seen. Loved the smooth design of every thing in there. My girls beside me now is wanting to go there :-)

  3. Judging by the snow on the peaks I'm sure it was MORE than 'a little cold' that day! But the results were worth it!

  4. Looks like a fun place to be on a hot day! Great for CC:)

  5. This is perfect for Color Carnival! What a fun place.... :)

  6. What a lovely place for children. It's so colourful and cheerful. =) Perfect for the challenge.

    @Shutterly Happy


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