Sunday, June 13, 2010

Today's Flowers

For Today's Flowers I have a Globe flower with a bee and a fly. For the life of me I cannot think of the real name of this flower. If anyone knows, help my forgetful self and tell me!

Another one of these Globes, this one has a hidden lady bug in it. I could not coax it out to take its picture.

And a red Dalhia with another bud just opening.
For more of Today's Flowers please go and visit


  1. Your photos are so lovely. Sorry,I can't help you with the globe flower and hope someone more knowledgeable will stop by. Thanks for sharing, and have a great week.

  2. I have seen a lot of them but I cannot think of its name. The dahlia is so pretty.

    Enjoy your week!

  3. Ms. D: Certainly beautiful photos of your happy flowers.

  4. Fantastic shots of the bee and fly. I cannot remember the name of the flower either but you've capture it so well. The dahlia is simply stunning.

  5. beautiful photos & details. i know nothing of flowers!

  6. Gorgeous photos, the red dahlia is beautiful.

  7. Love all your blooms. Great shots.

  8. I think it's an ornamental onion called 'Mt. Everest'....? Not sure though.


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