Monday, June 14, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window, a blue jay is taunting me on the lawn. I know if I went to get my camera he would fly away. Lovely colours on his feathers, cheekiness in his heart.
I am hearing, my hubby and employee in the living room talking about a case they are working on.
I am wearing black Adidas trackpants and a black t-shirt. White New Balance runners.
I am thinking that I really should be getting some dinner on the go but I do love to post!
I am wondering how I am ever going to get all that I have to do done in this week. I need more time!!
I am grateful for so many things, so grateful I had to write a list a couple of posts back about my gratitude for that one simple day. Check it out if you have extra time.
From the kitchen, will soon have emanating the smells of Pork Chops and Greek Salad. Nothing now, its clean and waiting for me to get there!
I am going for a long walk in the park after I get supper over and done with. Love the light evenings now, they are cooler and much more fun to walk in.
I am reading a book on Light and Exposure of Photography. Just finished "The Diary" by Eileen Goudge. It reminded me of my mom when I was reading that.
I am hoping that my busy week goes off without a hitch, everything that has to get done is done in timely fashion and I am not too tired at the end of it all!!
Around the house Spring Cleaning is happening the past week or so. So nice to de-clutter and claim my spaces back from it.
One of my favorite things lately has been sitting outside on the sundeck at our brand new table and eating supper with my hubby. No TV, no radio, just him and I am nature.
Something you may not know about me is that I love being able to go to the beach and wander along the shores, I could spend hours just watching the waves.
And a photo I would like to share with you all, I love being home, spending time in my home. After a long day at work and my two hours commute in the day, there is no place like home. I am sure we all think the same of our own homes, and they do come in many shapes and sizes. This Paper Wasp Nest that I found in my back yard yesterday was home sweet home to a Wasp at one time, and I think they probably liked it just as much as I like my home.

For more entries of Simple Woman's Daybook, please go and visit

1 comment:

  1. beautiful shot of the nest - your day sounds great. i like the quiet beauty that you described.


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