Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday's Favorite Five

Summer has finally arrived and its time to look at the things of Summer I like the most!!
1) Cherries!! I wait all year for fresh B.C. Cherries to show in the stores and they are finally here! I eat so many cherries when they come out so I hopefully won't miss them when their season is done.

2) Raspberries: The Central Fraser Valley where I live is the capital of Raspberry growers. They are now ripe and in all the fruit stands and ready to buy. I love them just plain and fresh but they are also really good with Vanillla Ice Cream!

3) Strawberries!! Are you sensing a fruit theme here!! You can get strawberries all year round, but the fresh picked locally grown berries are the best.

4) I could post more photos of fruit if I had some but maybe its time to move on here. For number 4 I love the Farmer's Market. Every Saturday morning we head on down to the market to check it out. A cup of delicous free trade coffee fresh at the market and a fresh baked Eccles Cake makes a good breakfast on  a Saturday morning. I love buying bunches of fresh herbs at the market.
5) The Sunshine!! We have had a wet cloudy spring here so seeing the sun finally come out for more than a couple days in a row is wonderful. The heat is in the 20's (Celcius) and the wind helps keep the bugs down and the air a bit cooler. I love some summer!!!
For more entries of Friday's Favorite Five, please go and visit


  1. Oh I love our farmers market too! Buying our vegetables and fruits there is our tradition on Saturday morning.

    Fruit? Someone asked me what my favorite fruit is. My answer was, "It depends on the month..." cuz I love them all!

  2. Oh YUM! I was just thinking about picking the last of the strawberries and wondering if blueberries were ready yet. We saw a stand selling red raspberries last night. Man oh man...and peaches will be here soon too.

  3. Oh Farmer's them! I am leaving on a Mission Trip so no trip to the market today! Have a great weekend

  4. Cherry season is waaaay to short for my liking. Love them.

    I've been trying to make it to the Farmer's Market. Ours only runs on Saturdays. But I love all the fresh items there.


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