Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Watery Wednesday

Well, we are back from our mini holiday to Campbell River now and we had a great time. It was so nice to get away for a few days and see my cousins as well. It has been about 8 years or so since I was last up in Campbell River. Here are a few pictures taken at Departure Bay as we were waiting for the Ferry to take us over to Vancouver Island.

The Marina on the outskirts of the Ferry Terminal. Once, a Ferry lost control when coming into the harbour and took out a lot of the boats here in the marina. No one was hurt at the time.

Another view of a section of the Marina....

The Ferry heading out here to Nanaimo.
For more pictures of Watery Wednesday, please visit


  1. the water is such a beautiful blue!

  2. O...M...G....BEAUTIFUL. Would love to go there one day. Just gorgeous. Annnddd You took beautiful pictures!

  3. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful place, the sky, mountains and water all so blue.


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