Sunday, May 2, 2010

Today's Flowers

Yesterday we went out to Minter Gardens in Chilliwack to spend the day. Unfortunately the weather had completely different plans for us and about five minutes after arriving it started to rain. And rain. And more rain.... We bought our season's passes so if we had to leave because of the rain it was not going to be heartbreaking. We went to the restaurant and had some lunch, sitting inside in warmth and dryness watching the rain fall, finally deciding it was not going to stop and left after lunch. About ten miles down the road of course the rain stopped and the sun came out but by then we had discovered a Ukrainian Festival and we spent the rest of the day there.
We did manage to snap some flowers pictures inside the entrance of Minter Gardens though. Salvia in a container garden.
Delicate budding flowers of Hens and Chicks.

For more pictures of Today's Flowers, please visit


  1. Two very beautiful flowers. Rain has a way of putting a crimp in our plans doesn't it? Glad you were able to enjoy the rest of your day.

  2. Glad you didn't waste the whole day due to the rain. The salvia looks different to ours and i just love the succulent you call hens and chickens...that is so cute.

  3. Amazing macro!!! Just love it purely!

  4. Beautiful colors in that first image!

  5. Both the flowers are beautiful. Glad the rain stopped and you had a fruitful day.

  6. Lovely photos. Beautiful color on the first flower.The second one is an interesting composition, such clarity on these hens and chickens.

  7. those are beautiful hot pink macros!

  8. Thanks for the short tour but so fulfilling. I love the red of the salvia and the Hen and Chicks are always a pleasure to see.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!