Sunday, March 14, 2010

Today's Flowers

For Today's Flowers, I have pictures of one of the surest signs of spring we all wait to see!! Cherry blosssoms and plum blossoms! We have actually had them blooming here quite early this year. Its been a very mild winter and some trees have been blooming since the end of January.
This was a blue sky day, but with these high pressure system days come the wind as well, so getting these pictures clear without blur was a challenge!
These little tufts of blossoms were growing right on the large branches.
I am so short it is hard to take close-ups even with my macro and I was hand holding the camera in the wind so I was lucky to get these!!
Camelia tree blossoms.
Blossoms come in white as well!!
Click on any picture to enlarge them to get the full meal deal!!
For more pictures of Today's Flowers, please go and visit


  1. Very beautiful macro shots! And you made them handheld! Great!
    Wow, it's amazing to hear that Canada has a mild winter this year, and Austria in the middle of Europe has temperatures below 0°C until mid of March! But now spring is in sight!
    Best regards and have a nice week, Maria

  2. Oh my gosh..sounds like me against the wind -struggling for a macro (doesn't always cooperate) These are fabulous!! Each one of them -gorgeous as well as the soft background-

  3. Ms.D: What a beautiful show, you must have some help from the ocean to have this great show.

  4. Lovely flowers and stunning macro pictures.
    Thank you for sharing!!
    When bright flowers bloom
    Parchment crumbles, my words fade
    The pen has dropped ...
    - Morpheus

  5. With all that wind you've got these pictures of an excellent quality.
    Your blossoms are more beautiful in the pictures than in reality, excellent work.

  6. You achieved perfection with these fabulous photos. All are a delight to the eye. Thanks for sharing them with Today's Flowers and have a great week.

  7. Some of my favorite blossoms and you captured them beautifully! If only my camelia would bloom... Have a great week!

  8. Exquisite! I enjoy your flowers.
    Thank you for sharing.

  9. I dio love our pink double cherry blossom.

  10. The first photo is my favourite, hands down! I love the way the blue sky and the other blossoms blur the background up!!!

  11. i like the second picture
    it's looks nice flower picture

  12. very beautiful flowers...
    love seeing all...great captures :)

    Thanks for dropping by; sorry for the late visit...


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