Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday's Favorite Five

Grateful for a lot today, and also quite a bit sad.
1) Right now I am grateful for Advil and the Ice Pack on my back. Must of overdone it this week at work with outings. We did a lot of outings and not a heck of a lot of work.
2) Steak, Scallops Bites wrapped in bacon and grilled. Then dip it in a combination of Ranch Dressing and Chipotle sauce. Little skewers of yumminess!! We tryed this at Sammy J. Pepper's restaurant and have reproduced it at home now. It is delicious and a little bit addicting.
3) A beautiful sunny day, a walk along the ocean. Huge pink starfish with 20 legs, tons of crabs walking in shallow tides, lots of tidal pools, seagulls, herons fishing, white sailboats and bright kites, fresh fish and chips eaten on a picnic table by the ocean. Sounds like a wonderful day and it was! It was my day today.
4) My cat Speed, who knows I am feeling a bit sad and is snugged right up to me on the couch as I type this. He can always sense when my world is a bit tilted.
5) One of my clients is in hospital, just taken off support.They do not feel she will make it through the night. She is in good loving hands who are caring for her through this transition. I have known her for the 22 years that I have worked for this company. She lived in two of the homes I worked in and cared for her for over half of these 22 years on a day to day basis. My sadness is just mine, I know she will not suffer anymore, a better place is waiting for her. And I am very grateful for that.

For more of Friday's Favorite Five please go and visit


  1. Oh what a sweet compassionate friend you are. May God comfort you and your friend and her family. Those bites sound so yummy. I love a walk along the ocean. Hope the Advil does it's trick and you feel better for the beginning of Spring!

  2. I'm very sorry to hear about your client and friend. May God bring comfort to you.

    Your walk along the beach sounds like it was just lovely!

    Hope your back feels better quickly.

  3. Hope your back and your spirit are feeling better.

    Have a great weekend.

    p.s. check out the giveaway on my blog

  4. Mmm..#2 sounds grand!

    Hope your back is better, but isn't it nice that God gave our pets that sense? They just seem to know when they're needed.

    Praying for your sadness.

  5. So sorry you are so sad...but you are correct that your client will no longer feel pain and will be in abetter place.


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