Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today's Flowers

These are a few of the many spring blossoms blooming here right now. And it is not even spring!!!
I have been getting a few pointers on Photoshop so this is played with! There are daffodils coming up everywhere.

Crocuses growing right in the grass. People here are already cutting thier grass and its growing. Still seems a bit early for cutting I think.
You can buy tulips at any flower stand or shop all over. These two lovelies are from the bouquet of tulips I gave my hubby for Valentine's Day!
For more flower pictures from Today's Flowers, please visit


  1. Lovely Spring flowers, I saw my first wild primroses yesterday here in the uk.
    They make us all smile

  2. I'm so looking forward to SPRING! We are still snow covered here in Upper Michigan, so even pictures of spring flowers are a blessing right now. Thanks for sharing yours:)

  3. Beautiful flowers.
    The photos are perfects.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. The crocuses are my favourite! I love the sun shining through the petals!!

  5. such beautiful photos and flowers, all of them but that second one is just great!

  6. Oh those crocuses look so pretty! I simply must buy myself some tulips!

  7. Ms.D: Those are some beautiful captures, so nicely portrayed.

  8. Your flowers are romantic and dreamy. Very nice!

  9. i can;t wait to see my flowers bloom again...these are beautiful!


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