Thursday, February 18, 2010

Skywatch Friday

A couple of shots from Hayward Lake this past weekend. It as a cloudy and gloomy kind of day, with occasional breaks in the rain.
Sometimes a break in the clouds is all you need!!

For more pictures of skies of the world, please go and visit


  1. Liquid stuff in a lake! Wow! It has been ages since I have seen that!!
    I love the ripples on the surface of the lake!

  2. The lake looks lovely and you did a great job getting pics. The lakes up here are frozen solid. No sun reflection off water for us!

  3. Our waters are still all under ice.
    You are fortunate to have hopeful open waters...are you seeing any wildlife, ducks, etc.?
    Have a great weekend.
    Come visit.
    God Bless

  4. Great shots, our lake is mostly forzen with a layer of snow . So, it is nice to see the water.

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  6. This looks like a great place to visit. Thanks for the tour.

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