Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

1) In this last week of the Olympics, I have been really enjoying watching the Figure Skating competitions. It is my favorite thing to watch whether it is the Olympics or other events. Joannie Rochette's emotional skate was something else to see.
2) I got to spend three days this week catching up on paperwork. For my job, spending that much time and having that much time to spend is huge! I powered through a lot of stuff that I've been behind in.
3) Firsts I got to experience this week, all at work with my clients. We went to LaserTag to play a game, something I have never done before. I had so much fun! It's going to be something I go and try again. Always good to try something new!
4) I am very grateful that my kitten Scarf came through her little operation on Monday with flying colours. She was spayed and her ear tattooed as well. She has a little scar that is healing well and although they promised it would slow her down for a bit, it has not stopped her at all!
5) My hubby bought a camera for our business and we went out this weekend so he could learn it. It was different to go out with him and both of us looking for photo ops!! I have my camera and I also use it for our business, but for both of us to go out and just have fun snapping pictures it was a lot of fun.

For more of Friday's Favorite Five's please go to visit


  1. That's great that you had fun playing laser tag! I see you are an accomplished photographer. It's nice that you and your husband can now enjoy this hobby together! Hope this week is filled with more favorites!

  2. Laser tag is great fun, they say!

    Glad to hear your week was filled with good things. Happy weekend.

  3. It was nice to get to know you a bit. I'd love to have time to take more pictures.

    Have a great weeekend.

  4. I look forward to the days I can have to catch up on things, esp. paperwork. Nice that you had that time.

    The only times I've played laser tag were with the teens from church. Great fun!

    Good news about the kitty.

    Happy Weekend!

  5. So glad your pet is recovering quickly!

    Glad you had fun with your clients - AND got some work done.

    I scrolled down to older posts and very much enjoyed your photos!

  6. A photowalk together with your hubby sounds like so much fun! I'm so glad Scarf is fine after her surgery. Is the tattoo in the ear for ID? Have a great weekend!

  7. I have totally been into the Olympics this year. It's been great. Joannie Rochette's skates were amazing. I don't know how she did it.

    It must have been fun with both you and hubby taking pictures.


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