Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For Watery Wednesday I have a couple of pictures I took during my recent vacation in Victoria.
If you take 110 steps from my brother's front door, stop and look left this is what you see!
If you look to the right this is what you see. My brother lives 110 steps from the ocean, lucky duck!!

For more pictures of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. how wonderful for him to live right here, and for you to visit here too!

  2. Tranquil and peaceful scene!
    Yes, your brother is a very lucky duck and you too for being able to visit. :)

  3. very lucky indeed... is he married? lol!!! joking

  4. You're brother lives in a wonderful region!!!
    Happy Watery Wednesday...Luna

  5. Very pretty, I like how you've captured the beach look.


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