Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today's Flowers

For Today's Flowers I have a couple of pictures of the last of the miniature roses. I think these have survived partly due to being planted up against the house, so maybe a bit more warm than out further in the elements. It rains like crazy here so they aren't being drowned by being somewhat protected under the eves. A little bit tattered around the edges, a bit droopy, but then again aren't we all on some days!!!
For more pictures of Today's Flowers please go visit


  1. What a great entry you have! Worth visiting here. Mine is up! Hope to hear from you soon. God Bless!

  2. Ms. D: Wonderful capture of the tiny roses, they put on a neat show.

  3. Oh, those are so lovely! The bright pink is especially cheery now that the dull browns and grey skies have set in here.

  4. How wonderful that you are still enjoying your miniature roses. They are gorgeous and these are great photos.

  5. Fantastic pictures ~ the roses are so small and sweet and for some reason they remind me of my little grandaughter. She'll be three next week but she's very petite. Loud but tiny!


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