Monday, November 9, 2009

Macro Monday

Yesterday we brought home a new kitten to join our family. Hopefully anyways, because our older cat has been an only cat for a long time and is not to thrilled with us for this intrusion.
This little Calico kitten was discovered by my hubby yesterday after witnessing the kitten being thrown out of the window of a moving vehicle. My hubby stopped and picked up the kitten and then brought her home.
How could anyone throw a kitten out of a car?? How could you gaze into these eyes and then do that?
We have not named her yet. We have to find her name. She is beautiful though and today is finding her energy and getting playful.
I'll post more in the days to come!!
For more shots of Macro Monday, please visit


  1. Oh my gosh..did a vet take a look at her? You have to think there is some special karma for people who abuse animals.....

  2. a dear, what a sweety. I think it will be hard to name her. Why not Soft?

  3. Oh gosh - that must have been a really awful moment for your husband when he saw that happen. Lucky for the kitty that he was there. Hopefully you're all settling in and getting accustomed to each other. :)


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