Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday's Fave Five

1) Its my favorite day, or rather evening. I love Friday evenings, its the start of the weekend where I can sleep in, lounge around the house drinking coffee, watch Saturday cartoons with my hubby and not have to get up to go to work until Monday. Its the start of my down time!!

2) I am so glad my older cat Speed is getting along and "embracing" our newest kitten, Scarf. I really had serious doubts that he would accept another cat into his territory but I think because she is such a new kitten, he has taken on the roll of her surrogate and protector. How cute is this, them cuddled up and sleeping on the couch.

3) And not neccessarily in that order, (just the way the pictures downloaded) my Hubby is my favorite! He is my best friend, my calm port in the storms of my life, my breath of fresh air. There is nothing I like better than spending a day with him wherever it takes us!!
4)Greek Salad!! Is there any better combination of vegetables around?? Seriously, I could eat this every day. I buy a home made Greek dressing from one of the greek restaurants here in town. I could not make dressing any better than this stuff. It rocks the salad!!
5) My new Concrete Driveway!! My hubby and one of the Concrete finishers are outside babysitting it as I type this. It is still wet and curing, and they are guarding it so that no one who feels the urge to deface it while it is drying can do that. I might just have to take a picture of it in the morning, it is so wonderful!!
If you have five favorite things to share, please do so on your blog and then go to and sign into Mr. Linky to share.
Then go and read everyone's entries for the day!!


  1. Great FFFs! I love my hubby, too, for the same reasons. I love kitties too, athough right now I don't have any.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. That picture of the cats is just too adorable! I want to get another cat as well, just waiting for the right moment.

  3. Love your tribute to your hubby. So sweet and a great picture.

    The coloring of the little kitten is gorgeous. And a cute picture of the older cat with her.

    I feel the same way about Friday evenings.

  4. It truly is a blessing to have your husband as your best friend. I feel the same way and am so thankful!

  5. The pic of the cats... too cute!

    I'm with you, Friday nights are worth celebrating! The beginning to a weekend!

    Wonderful tribute words about your husband!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!