Friday, September 11, 2009

Skywatch Friday

This huge metal Teepee is located in Medicine Hat, Alberta where I went for vacation this past August. I love the geometric lines and shapes of the Teepee and especially love the look of the sky above as I took these pictures. One thing about Alberta skies is that they are big. With flat prairie lands and rolling hills the sky is enormous.
A sky is much more interesting too with clouds in it, rather than just blue sky. At least I think so!!

Here is another view looking up from the middle of the inside of the teepee.
To see more pictures of the skies around the world, please go and visit


  1. Definitely more interesting with clouds. And that structure was just made for taking sky pictures, I think!

  2. Interesting to see a metal teepee. Good pics.

  3. It is an interesting subject, The clouds and sky is pretty in the background.

  4. It is a beautiful composition.
    I like the diagonals of the structure leading the eye to the sky and clouds.

  5. I really like your photos. The perspective and the lines.A few skywatches back I had some similar photos looking up at grain elevators in Ohio

  6. I love these photos. The architecture of the teepee is amazing and the sky is beautiful.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!