Saturday, August 29, 2009

Straight out of the Camera Sunday

This is my first attempt at Straight out of the camera Sunday. I saw this post on Carletta's blog so thought I would give it a shot. I have a lot of photos on my computer that have yet to go to photoshop so it was not hard to find the ones here!!
This knarly old tree was on one of the walking paths at Echodale Park in Medicine Hat, Alberta. It looks like its had some hard times, and places where it is bent but not broken. I think it might have some stories to tell, if it could.

These berries are Chokecherries. They are extremely bitter to try and eat raw like this. Even cooking and adding a lot of sugar produces a sour mash to make jams out of.
The trees here were literally loaded with the berries. And us without anything to carry home a bunch of them!!
Has anyone ever tried Chockcherry Jam???
Thank you for letting me participate!! I am off to visit some of your blogs now!
For more pictures Straight out of the Camera please go to visit


  1. Love that tree. Bet if it could talk it'd have some stories to tell. Glad you shared your shots.

  2. Oh I like all your pictures very pretty. Happy Sunday. Mine is up too.

  3. The tree is marvelous. Never have I tasted or heard of Chokecherries. They may taste bitter but they look delicious. :D

  4. Cool knarly tree.....I've heard of chokecherry jelly but never tasted it and I don't think I will from your description;~)

  5. Wonderful shots. Love the tree and I've never seen a chokeberry! Thanks for joining in, today.

  6. That knarly old tree looks as if it's rising up out of the forest.
    Great shots of the berries.
    Thanks for the shout out. :)


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!