Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weekend Snapshots

My weekend snapshots come from the Classic Car Show my hubby and I went to last weekend. The show was held at Minter Gardens in Chilliwack, a over 700 acre public garden here that is open year round.

There were three sections in the Gardens that contained the Car show and I took so many pictures that I will be showing them here for a long time to come!!
A lot of the cars had pictorials of the before and after shots. Its hard to believe some of the before shots (Wrecks!) and to see the finished products.
Here is a view of just one of the areas of cars. You can see how many there were just here.


  1. The car in the 1st pic looks like opening its "mouth"! ;D
    Saw 2 stuffed "frogs" on the car in the 2nd pic - so cute!

    Happy WS!

  2. wow, that's a lot of vintage cars! love the car in the 3rd photo. i'd love to drive that one in the streets of Manila on a Sunday morning.:P

  3. I love the car in the 2nd photo!

    Can I ask a favor? Can you change the URL link of the WS banner you have in this post? Please change it to the current site :)

    Thank you for joining this week's WS!

  4. I lived with most of these cars and rode in them and drove them when they were new and used. I love to see old cars that have been restored. I also like to see old homes, especially the victorian ones, that are faithfully restored.

    I think your photographs are well done and certainly document the car show. Nice post.

    Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for the comment you left me there.

    Now, you and your friends can help me Make History. I am trying to see if it is possible to get 10,000 hits in a short period of time on my new blog, Pick a Peck of Pixels. If you go there, please either become a Follower or leave a comment. Your visit will count and help me Make History. Pick a Peck of Pixels

  5. my, my..vintage car lovers would be excited for this event. I really like the 3rd pic. My WS is up too.


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