Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Watery Wednesday

A few more pictures to share with you all from Minter Gardens. I heard this wall of water before I found it.
This section is the left handed section of the wall. It continues over the right side for the same amount of space.
It was a very hot day this day and the spray and the flow of the water helped to noticeably cool the air here. I loved the sound of the falling water as well. One would of thought you were in a tropical rainstorm listening to the sound of it.
For more pictures of Watery Wednesday scenes please go to http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. How wonderful! Lovely how you heard it before you saw it. Nothing like the sound of falling water.

  2. This looks like a lovely place. I can just imagine the sound of all this falling water.

  3. I love those water walls and the flowers in the post below are gorgeous too!
    You are a great photographer.

  4. wow, beautiful photos, I like the water flowing like a wall.

    Here's mine:


  5. Beautiful wall of water and great photos of it.

  6. Falling water is like shade. Things, including people, are drawn to it. And the photography is very nice.

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    Pick a Peck of Pixels

  7. wow, that a wonder-wall!:P so refreshing.

  8. How incredible! That would be an awesome addition to any garden. I sure would love to have one in my backyard - maybe not that big, but maybe just a section! hehehe

    Awesome WW post!

  9. Love the wall of water. Great series of photos!

  10. That wall of water is sensational. It must be a very popular attraction.


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