Thursday, July 23, 2009

Skywatch Friday

For Skywatch Friday I went to Westminster Abbey high above Mission, B.C. and took a few photos overlooking the town. The above picture overlooks Mission. It was a cloudy hazy day today so the sky looks kind of ominous.
This looks to the west overlooking the Fraser River and out toward Matsqui Prairie and further out to Abbotsford.
This looks at the Fraser River and out to the east towards Chilliwack.
For more pictures of the skies above us all, please visit


  1. excellent photos of a fantastic view, thanks for sharing.

    Have a great weekend
    Regina In Pictures

  2. wow, beautiful photos, thanks... I love all the pictures you've shared

  3. Nice shots of a beautiful area. Clearer skies are on the way, I hope, for the weekend. I'd love to drive through B.C. once again some day soon.

  4. Beautiful British Columbia! You were truly on top of the world. Nicely done.

  5. MsD: Wonderful look at the view from the mission. What a great valley, B.C. has such wonderful places to see.

  6. Great skywatch pictures. I have never been to Westminster Abbey, but I hear that it's very beautiful. Your pictures prove that. Thanks for visiting Monastery Daily Photo.

  7. Look here. Nice view. Look there. Nice view. Nice views everywhere. Love it!
    Joyce M

  8. Great views. Your skies look rather like ours right now! :)


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