Thursday, July 9, 2009

Skywatch Friday

I have to say I do not really work hard at all. The pictures today were taken at Reiffel Bird Sanctuary and I was working while I was taking them. Not many jobs really afford you the opportunity to go to beautiful places and spend the day strolling through many different, varied and wonderful scenery. And take pictures while you are at it!! This is the first nice day we have enjoyed in a week, the sky was partly cloudy and the temp was in the low twenties Celcius. My two other co-workers and our three clients spent the afternoon here, enjoyed lunch outside and got a bit of exercise to boot.
This view is the river leading down to the ocean.

This duck was very photogenic and not at all afraid of the camera. He would only present this side though to the camera and after a bit we finally did catch a glimpse of his other side to discover one of his eyes missing. The cruelty of nature.
For more pictures of Skies around the globe please visit


  1. Looks like a great day to be out, taking in those beautiful views. The duck certainly knows how to show its best side...:) I guess it wanted to look at you too!

  2. what a great job you have! beautiful photos.

  3. These are wonderful photos and good on you to have a job that lets you be outdoors....I can't think of working any place else. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  4. Fantastic skywatch shots, I really like your work.

    Have a great weekend.
    Regina In Pictures

  5. Poor duck. I see a lot of this and it is heartbreaking. That second image really appeals as it's so like the back of may house.

  6. Ms Dew:
    Love all three but particularly like the first. The things you see when you take the time to look up.....

  7. I would love to have a job like that!!! Awesome shots!


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