Friday, July 3, 2009

Skywatch Friday

For Skywatch Friday I have chosen a set of pictures I took last weekend of a scene I see each day on my way too and from work. I have always wanted to stop and take some photos and this day I got the chance. This is a distance shot. I love the golden grasses here.
A little bit closer. The animals are llamas. This actually is a Llama farm.

And the barn up closer.
I still want to take some very early morning shots of this place when the wisps of fog are lying over the land.
For more Skywatch Friday pictures please visit


  1. A beautiful landscape that reminds me all is right with the world.

  2. Very pastoral and restful. Love it!

  3. These are lovely photos of the countryside. Great sky watch shots. : )

  4. Gosh! I wish I saw scenery like this on my way to work! Lovely photos! S


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!