Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gazpacho Soup

It is extremely hot here in this town, summer has arrived at least for today and I did not want to heat up anything including the barbeque for supper tonight. It seems like lately all we have been eating is kind of on the junk food side and I found myself craving something really nourishing, good for you and cold!!
Gazpacho Soup was the answer!!
For those who have never heard of it, it is a cold soup of chopped up and raw vegetables, spices and herbs. Its very tasty, refreshing and full of good nutrients and best of all it is all low calorie, low fat!!
Gazpacho Soup.
1 large 28 oz. can Diced Tomatoes.
1 15 oz. can Fire Roasted Tomatoes.
1 Cucumber
1 Zucchini
1 Red Pepper
1 Yellow Pepper
2 large Celery sticks
1 head Garlic (or to taste!)
1 Bunch Cilantro
1 lime, juice and zest
1 large Carrot
1 Red Onion
1 Jalepeno Pepper
1 TBSP. Sugar
1 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp. Pepper
1TBSP.Balsamic vinegar
1 TBSP. Worchestershire sauce.
Grate all the vegetables into finely chopped and put into large bowl. Add the spices (rest of the ingredients) and give it a good stir. At this point, put into the fridge to chill completely.
When chilled you can serve the Gazpacho cold, garnish with sour cream and chives if you like.
It is the perfect soup for a hot summer day!!!

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