Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Watery Wednesday

Here are a couple of pictures I took In Stanley Park in Vancouver this past weekend. This picture looks across the waters towards North Vancouver.
A picture of a boat towing a sailboat. They were really moving fast!
For more pictures of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. I've been to Stanley Park and have witnessed with my own eyes how gloriously beautiful this park is.

  2. What a fantastic view! I could just sit there and watch the boats go buy.

  3. i love to sit on the second picture. so refreshing and relaxing looking at the beautiful scenery.

  4. Beautiful paradise overlooking the ice-capped mountain. Serene watery park, ideal for a loner's rendezvous.

  5. More nice shots! I didn't have a chance to play on Watery Wednesday this week. Hope you'll join us over at my Color Carnival since I see you like the photo memes :-)


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