Sunday, May 3, 2009

Today's Flowers

For Today's Flowers a few pictures of just about done, In the middle and just starting in the growing cycle. The primulas are beautiful, I love the yellow and orange in the middles but it won't be long before they are on thier way out.
One of my Rhododendrum flowers is in the middle of its cycle. I love the little darker pink freckles in the centers.

And my lilacs are just beginning to bloom. I think by the end of the week they should be opening up and releasing their scent I wait all year to smell!!
For more entries into Today's Flowers please visit


  1. I am one that waits all year for lilacs too! Lovely Spring blossoms today!
    Enjoy your soon to be lilacs!

  2. It is beautiful to see how seasons change there and flowers come out with all their beauty and scent to brighten the day!

  3. Your photos are fantastic, especially when you enlarge them as see so much detail. The middle shot, I can see what you mean, that extra touch of color is exquisite. Thank you for sharing and have a great week.

  4. Lovely photos!

    I agree w/ you -- the darker pink freckles are delicious ... :)

    And add me to the list of those who love LOVE love the aroma of lilac flowers.

  5. Great spring captures. Happy Spring Smiles Barbara


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