Monday, May 25, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook.


For Today...

Outside my window...The last of the day light is fading, its warm though and muggy out.

I am thinking... What a great day I had exploring the zoo today, all the fresh air and friends to spend it with...

From the kitchen... Finished cleaning up after supper, homemade Corn Chowder with Shrimp! Yum!!

I am wearing... Blue Yoga Pants, a tank top and white socks.

I am reading... A few Digital Photography Magazines I borrowed from the library.

I am hoping... We fly through our Accreditation process at work with flying colours.

I am creating... Another blog post for my blog of course!!

Around the house... The cat is sleeping on the couch and hubby is working on his business plan. I am trying to be quiet and not disturb his thoughts!

One of my favorite things... Taking pictures, figuring out more about my camera lately!

A few plans for the rest of the week...Making it through the work week and waiting on the weekend!!

A picture I would like to share.... was taken today on our visit to the Vancouver Zoo. This is a picture of the baby Giraffe, I just loved his shy look and his long eyelashes!!
I forgot to add it before starting this so I know it will go to the top of the post. I guess I am backwards this week!!
To read more entries from Simple Woman's Daybook please go to visit

1 comment:

  1. I love the giraffe... no zoos here so that photo is priceless.

    Thanks for dropping by!!


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