Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Watery Wednesday.

These pictures were taken at our local park here in town. The park is called Mill Lake and its baby time starting here. I did not see to many but they are around now!! This poor guy is a one of a kind here. I don't know what kind of bird he is but he is the only one. I am worried about him, he seems to have some sort of growth happening on his neck. I hope it is nothing serious.
A Canada Goose. If you look closely you can see lots of water droplets clinging to his feathers.

Here is another one of a kind here. This is a White Goose and he seriously thinks he is a Canada Goose. The goose in the above picture seems to be its mate. I like the reflection in the water here!!

He has water droplets on his feathers too and a very dirty beak from pecking in the gravel looking for food.

One set of baby Canada Geese. Mom and Dad kept their babies far away from us humans to keep them safe!
Click on the pictures to enlarge them for the full effect!
For more pictures of Watery Wednesday photos visit


  1. Nice series of shots. I would love to see some baby geese or ducks at the places I visit. Nothing yet. I have seen some baby peacocks though.

  2. LOL, they're so cute ... :)

    Love that shot of the white duck and its reflection ... nicely captured!

  3. I love seeing the babies - hard to get pics of out here in the wild though - they are very shy.

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog. These are great. Love the close up of the white goose, and the babies!!! I had geese my whole childhood and these brought back memories!


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