Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More Pictures from the Past

My Uncle Bob continues to find old pictures and post them for our family to see. This is my Grandfather on the right and My Great Grandfather on the left. I never knew my great Grandfather and my Grandfather passed away when I was only 2 years old so pictures are all I have of him. This picture is my Mom and Dad on thier wedding day. Aren't they a good looking couple. My mom passed away years before my father and he never looked at another woman after my mom.
This is me on the right with my 11 month younger brother Mark. You might remember me writing here about him earlier, my miracle brother.
This from left to right is me, my sister Elaine, my brother Brian and my brother Mark. Brian is the third youngest, four years younger than me and my sister is the youngest. Five years younger. Look at how tall Mark is. He was a bruiser!!!
This is me and my younger sister Elaine. I must of been about 8 or years old here.
It is fun to look back on these old pictures and remember those days. Actually all I have of these days is the pictures to remember them by. I don't remember the actual posing of them. I look at my pictures and try to find that child inside me and catch fleeting glimpses of her here and there. I am always constantly amazed to hear others rememberances of these times past. Its like having someone come and fill in a few pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and seeing a bit of the bigger picture each time.
I still look deeply into these pictures and see if I can find the child I once was. I am so curious. Also my parents and seeing their pictures. Who were these people then? I would so want five minutes with them then to discover more of them.
Do you ever wonder these things when you see old photos??

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