Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Some of this, Some of that

Its been so long I guess since I came to my blog with anything other than flowers on Sunday that I actually had to log in to gain access. I guess lately I have had more on my mind and have not come here to put any of it down. Do you ever have days like that? Or maybe a few days at a time.
So what is on my mind?? Here is the condensed jist of it for you.
1) My friend Wes is still missing. Tomorrow, Wednesday will be one week. Last Wednesday they found his last phone call on his cell phone was made at 1030am and between then and when he was supposed to show up for work at 300pm he disappeared. He also missed his doctor's appointment in between those times as well. Now this is totally not like him. He is dependable, punctual, reliable. His truck was found abandoned in a Provincial Park parking lot, the window broken and blood in the vehicle. An extensive search on the weekend of the whole area turned up nothing. It has been very cold here, the weather going down to minus 15 celcius with windchill factor and snow as well. If he is out there somewhere how can he live in that? I am so scared for him. Please keep saying a prayer for his return.
I went through this a couple of years ago when my son disappeared for 23 days. We had an international missing persons alert for him, missing posters everywhere, police and friends and strangers alike trying to find him and bring him home. For me, my hubby and my daughter this was singularily the most horrible thing we have ever gone through. It just about killed me and it changed me forever as well. My son is back now and for the most part is okay from it. So as a mom I know first hand what Wes's mom is feeling and I just want to find her and give her a big hug and tell her there is one person who can understand the terror she is living with right now.

2) I have another specialist's appointment tomorrow afternoon. This is the third in a month. And the MRI I had last month as well. More poking and prodding and waiting for results. I know it is not the last doctor either. Why last year when I really wanted to see a specialist, have investigative tests and I could not get any. Now they all come at once. It is stressful.

3) Hubby and I are looking into starting a business. Getting it all together is very exhaustive.

4) What did I do to my knee?? Everytime I stand on it today it yells. Lordy lordy...

So that is enough of this for one day. Onward and upward......

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