Monday, March 30, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today.....
Outside my window: It is dark and cloudy out. And cold!!

I am thinking: That I have to be up early and should really be in bed. Its been a long day.

I am thankful: that tonight my children are safe and I know where they are.

From the kitchen: I just finished cleaning up after supper.

I am wearing: A pair of black Yoga pants and a grey sweater. And white socks!!

I am creating: a huge pile of laundry that needs my attention!!

I am going: To work in the morning and to bed after this is done!!

I am reading: A John Grisham book. A true life mystery book.

I am hoping: That my friend Wes who has been missing for the past 26 days now will be found safe and sound and this whole nightmare will come to an end on a happy note.

Around the house: The dryer is going, the cat is asleep on the couch, my hubby is working on his computer and I have a nice glass of wine to enjoy while I type this out.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Its a full five day week at work so just work, driving to and fro and sleep to get to the end of it.

Once again I have typed out the entire post and forgot to put a picture to share with everyone. Doh!!!!! So I have downloaded the picture and can not figure out how to get it from the top of the post down to the bottom of the post so it is going to be the first thing you get to see. This is some of the forested area of Hayward Park Hiking Trails we searched on this past weekend for my friend Wes. It's beautiful country to visit even for the reasons I found myself there on Saturday.
For more posts on Simple Woman's Daybook please visit

1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful image - all the growth on the trees - but I'm so, so sorry about your friend. {{{hugs}}}


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