Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Continuing on from my last post and a few posts back where I posted my 25 random things about me list. We did this at our last staff meeting the other day and had everyone post 10 Random facts about themselves, and then read them out to the rest of the participants. I specifically said nothing negative in the lists and it still managed to sneak its way into the odd list in one form or another. Something like I hate the snow. Instead of putting down something like making angels in the snow is a lot of fun. Anyways everyone laboured long and hard on thier lists, grumbling about how tough it was and what could they write about themselves. Some folded them up in the end and tryed to hide them away. Shyly when it was their turn to read their list they quietly and quickly tryed to speed through their list fast enough that the others just might not hear. We all learned something about each other that day, not only by what was on each other's lists but also about the ways we went about filling out or trying to not fill out our lists. And everyone also agreed that it is harder to write positive things about ourselves and takes longer to complete than it would of if we were writing negative things. In fact some of us filled in our blank spots with negative things when we couldn't come up with any more positive thoughts.
My original reason for giving this exercise to my staff to do was so that they might learn a thing or two about their fellow staff members and in end of this exercise I ended up learning a thing or two about me too.
Funny how that happens!!

1 comment:

I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!