Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Lora!!!

Meet my firstborn!! Her name is Lora and I can hardly believe that today she is her 33rd birthday. I don't know if she would like me telling her age but oh well.
It sure does not seem that long ago that she entered the world. I was just barely past 20 years old, hardly grown up myself having a baby. I didn't have a clue how to care for babies and from day 1 Lora has taught me by trial by fire. I remember being wheeled up to the neonatal nursery to see her for the first time and taking one look at her and thinking, she can't be mine - she is too beautiful!!! And she still is gorgeous and I don't think I am a biased mom saying that. Lora has always been a 0 to 90 mile in one second child. There was never any negotiating with her. She took it to the limits every time. I often thought if she could just make it to about 20 years old she would live for the rest of her life.
And she did. Today she is 33 and she has turned into a wonderful young lady.
So Lora, I wish you a wonderful day and a very Happy Birthday. You are my girl. I love you very much.

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