Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today's Flowers

Today's Flowers came from pictures I took last summer at a beautiful garden here in Vancouver called Sun Yet Sen Garden. These pictures are actually silk weavings of peony flowers and I thought you might enjoy seeing them as much as I did. Delicate detailed embroidery on panels of gossamer silk, all very beautiful and intricate.

These are a pleasure to look at in a season where everything is buried in snow!! Here the rain is keeping everything grey and gloomy. The earth is in hibernation.

To see more flowers from around the globe, go check out Today's Flowers!!


  1. Marvelous series of flowers!

    Thanks for posting for TODAY'S FLOWERS!
    Hope you come back always!

    Luiz (from TF)

  2. Those are really beautiful flower painting.

  3. i love paintings and those are really beautiful! mine is up at

  4. Very beautiful the butterflies almost look real!

  5. They are beautiful that they are object for's nice u took a shot of the frame.

  6. They are glorious, thank you for sharing them. Before the fire we had an antique Chinese painting on the fines silk of Peonies like the last oe. One of the Prof's Cinese students rerognized it and wasted to buy it. Unfortunaely we loved it to much to part with, otherwise it would have survied. It is painful to see beautiful workd of art destroyed by fire, flood or other catastrophy.

  7. I have not seen anything like it. They are all beautiful.

    Abraham Lincoln's Blog

  8. Oh my goodness ... those are stunning! Your photos are so lovely!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!