Thursday, January 8, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Our home area and surrounding countryside has been hit lately with lots of snow, more than is common for this neck of the woods. After a month of constant snow and record snowfalls, the temp warmed up and it started to rain. Now we are all under flood watch so I thought because my hubby and I went out searching for floodwaters I would post some of those with the sky today here for you all to see. Some areas still have a lot of snow that needs to melt.
It is a rainy gray sky day today as you can see. This field is not hit too bad with flood water.

This looks more like a lake than a field.

Heck, it even has waves!!

Another side of the road picture of a field today.
If you want to see some more great pictures of skies then please go to and check it out!!


  1. Oh my...cold ...wet...Yikes...
    Hope you stay safe and warm..
    Lovely photos..really captured whats happening in your neck of the woods.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello, Sorry I deleted my first comment, my keyboard got stuck and I saved before I looked at what I typed! :)
    Love your pics, they make me feel the cold just looking at them. Happy SWF :)

  4. Amazing shots of the floodings. I thought Canada would be covered with snow and ice in this time of the year, so this is a surprise to me.
    Have good weekend!

  5. Sure had some rain, great shots too.

  6. I drool when I see all that water, here the trees are dieing with our protracted drought. Most of our animals have been sold because there is nothing for them to drink!
    I'd be happy to help relieve you of quite a lot of that flood water!

  7. Those photos of the wave in that huge melt is amazing!!
    I love your header!! Takes my breath away! Happy SWF!

  8. Great captures, Dew. Hey, I can really appreciate your nickname. It caught my attention for sure while strolling through. lol

    Great collection of a wintry landscape.


  9. Yup! You've got water like we do! I saw a lot of your fields in the delta were quite wet as we were making our way toward the border last week!

    Nice Shots!

  10. Wow! That's a lot of melting snow. Good pics, too.
    Could you send me your e-mail address for the interview questions? Thanks!


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