Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year here.

Why shouldn't the new year start with a fresh white coat of new snow?? Even if the weatherman has not predicted it.
So glad I did not have to drive to work today. So glad I made a mistake about my schedule yesterday and discovered upon going to work that in reality I actually had the day off today. I got to sleep in until 11am. Hard to believe but I think my white knuckle 90 minute drive home on a sheet of black ice took a lot of energy out of me. I am tired of the white stuff. I have not seen the grass in a month and that is very unusual here for the monsoon rain forest (Okay I exaggerate) I live in. This white stuff does not belong here.
I am counting the days until it warms up and starts to rain and rain and rain here again. I promise I won't complain about the rain. I promise!!

1 comment:

  1. We had snow again yesterday. I'm so looking forward to green grass again!


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