Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Random Facts about Me.

1. I love sleeping in but don't do it as much as I would like
2. Can not start a day without coffee.
3. I hate drinking water but am liking the ginger water Jim makes me.
4. I like watching Survivor over at Sally's house more for the company and the cameraderie.
5. I can't go to sleep at night unless I read a bit of whatever book I have. The day is not complete without that.
6. I wish Mark would win the lottery just to see the expression on his face.
7. I am not as fearless as I used to be. Some things scare me now.
8. I just wish everyone could get along.
9. I love bacon and eggs for breakfast. I'd share my bacon with Dad again if I could.
10. I like Opera music. Never did before but I am liking it now.
11. I love long walks on sunny days.
12. I hate snow. Everything especially driving in it. Give me rain any day.
13. I love salty food over sweet food. Give me a bag of chips any day.
14. I like a little bit of alone time each day. Driving to and from work is good alone time. Thinking time.
15. I don't think I am a list person. 25 things is hard to do!
16. I miss Eric.
17. I hate washing cars and my car so needs a bath.
18. I get motion sick watching video games so I don't like playing them. I am enjoying Scrabble with my uncle though.
19. I love taking pictures. I wish I could figure out Photoshop faster.
20. I would like my kids to ask me all the questions I never got to ask my Mom.
21. I love my date days with my bear. Any day spent with him is a good day. He is my best friend.
22. I love cool weather and not cold, I love warm weather and not hot. Love spring and fall for that!
23. I love Chick Flick movies. Mushier the better. I don't like Horror movies.
24. I love red wine and not strictly for medicinal purposes!
25. I don't know anything other than turning on and off my computer. My bear is my tecchie. Without him this would be a big paperweight.

I am not a list person, I found it hard to find 25 things about myself. So I am challenging anyone who happens to read my list to please fill out thier own list and come back and let me know so I can come and get to know you a bit better. And please leave me a comment back to let me know. Have fun.

1 comment:

  1. Good list! 25 things is hard. I wish I was figuring photoshop out faster too. But I've made such progress that I should be happywith that!


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